As a customer, how many times have you started a chat and then continued a call, only to find that the experience is far from seamless?
Consumers expect quick resolutions and access to multiple communication channels when interacting with small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).
According to a survey by Vonage. 29% of respondents prioritize fast response times when interacting with SMBs that use chatbots, voice recognition, or any artificial intelligence (AI) communications tool.
Respondents prioritize faster resolutions with voice (27%) and video (25%) engagements.
42% of those who engage with SMBs through video are looking for a human connection without having to meet in person.
23% of respondents ranked voice calls first as their preferred communication channel with SMBs.
60% of respondents view SMBs that do not provide access and/or support through multiple communications channels as less favorable, but would still work with the SMB.
16% of respondents indicated they would view the business as less favorable and not work with the SMB again in the future.
68% of respondents still prefer doctor appointments in-person, but 32% prefer video, signaling a growing need for healthcare providers to implement video communications tools.
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