Did you know that the average site-level conversion rate for subscriptions is 38.1%? The Digital Media and Entertainment sector shines with a remarkable 43.3% conversion rate, while Consumer Goods & Retail trails at 34.3%.
When it comes to free trial durations, less is more!
Trials less than or equal to 7 days boast the highest conversion rates at 42.8%. Surprisingly, trials longer than 61 days show the lowest conversion rates at 33.3%. According to Recurly Study
• Trials less than or equal to 7 days: 42.8% conversion rate
• Trials 8 to 14 days: 41.0% conversion rate
• Trials 15 to 21 days: 39.6% conversion rate
• Trials 22 to 31 days: 41.3% conversion rate
• Trials 32 to 60 days: 38.0% conversion rate
• Trials 61 or more days: 33.3% conversion rate
Understanding these trends can help businesses optimize their subscription models for maximum success. Let's harness the power of subscriptions to drive growth in today's competitive market!